Wiring Setup

Relay (Pump Control Output)
One relay per pump

  • One terminal is the power in, this is always 120VAC and wired to the breaker panel.
  • The other terminal is wired to the pump control box, this will be 120VAC when the pump turns on.

External Input (Pump Sense)
One external input per line (shared between all pumps on this line)

  • One terminal is wired to the handle signal. This will be 120VAC when the handle is lifted.
  • The other terminal is the neutral, this should be wired to the breaker panel.

I/O Module Addressing

io module addressing

ATG and Expansion Box Addressing

ATG and expansion box addressing


Device Setup

Menu à Setup à Devices


Program one relay per individual pump.

a. Configured: Enabled
b. Select Address: BX.SX.5-9
c. Enter a Label (fuel type): Ex: Unleaded, Premium, Diesel
d. Type: Pump Control Output
e. Orientation: Normally Open

External Input

Program one external input. This will be shared with all pumps on this line.

a. Configured: Enabled
b. Select Address: BX.SX.10-14
c. Enter a Label (fuel type): Ex: Unleaded, Premium, Diesel
d. Type: Pump Sense
e. Orientation: Normally Open

Pumps and Lines Setup

Menu à Setup à Pumps and Lines
Note: At least two pumps must be programmed for a Line Manifold.


Program one pump per STP. Each pump must be assigned to a different relay. All pumps on this line must share the same external input.

a. Configured: Enabled
b. Label: Product Name
c. Mode: TLS Pump Control
d. Tank: Select a tank
e. Pump Control: Select a relay
f. Pump Sense: Select an external input


Note: Program one line. All pumps will be assigned to this line.

a. Configured: Enabled
b. Label: Product Name
c. Leak Monitoring: If applicable
d. Pressure Sensor: If applicable
e. Line Active Relay: Not required
f. Manifolded: Yes
g. Dispense Mode: See Dispenser Mode section below
h. Active Switchover: See Active Switchover section below
i. Switchover Volume (or Height) Threshold: See Switchover Volume Threshold or Switchover Height Threshold section below
j. Selected Pumps (scroll down):

  • Use the arrows to select the desired Pumps

Dispense Mode

Manifolded Alternate-Volume: The console will run the tank with the greatest inventory volume
Manifolded Sequential: Tanks are pumped one at a time until the volume drops below the Pump Threshold (Setup > Tank > General)
Manifolded All Pumps: All pumps turn on at the same time
Standard: Only one pump feeds the line (not used in a line manifold setup)
Manifolded Pump Sense: This is used for manifolded lines with pump sets that are controlled externally to the console. Pump Sense helps evaluate busy periods for tank testing
Manifolded Alternate-Height: The console will run the tank with the greatest inventory height
Manifolded Alternate-Pump: The console alternates the pump with each new handle signal


Active Switchover

This field is active only when Alternate-Volume or Alternate-Height are selected.

  • Yes: During dispensing the console will automatically switch to an alternate tank based on the volume or height threshold.
  • No: Disables switchover to an alternate tank during dispensing. Requires the threshold to be met plus a new handle signal.


Switchover Volume Threshold or Switchover Height Threshold

The volume or height used to determine when to switch over to an alternate tank.


Further Information

  • Contact Veeder-Root Technical Support at 1-800-323-1799 for additional help or questions.
  • Learn more about the TLS-450PLUS ATG on our webpage.