High Throughput Performance

The Red Jacket 4 HP STP steps up the flow rate over 2 HP variants (ranging from 90 to 95 GPM) and delivers 135 GPM at the packer manifold. This additional flow capacity provides assurance to retailers that they will keep consumers happy with fast dispense during peak hours throughout the day.   

  • The Red Jacket 4 HP STP delivers 40% or more flow rate when compared to 2 HP solutions making it the optimal 4" STP for higher throughput sites 
  • Equivalent to 4 HP variable speed solutions performance when servicing up to 7 simultaneously activate nozzles at 10 GPM

High Reliability

The less time spent servicing, the better. The Red Jacket packer manifold was designed from the ground up to be the industry leader with safety and serviceability at the forefront. The Red Jacket 4 HP STP provides high reliability through a unique automatic electrical disconnect, reduced lifting force, and automatic fuel drain. Additional reliability features include:

  • Contractor’s Box and Capacitor Housing are isolated from the fuel path and integrated into the packer manifold  
  • Easier line tests and servicing with unique check valve design  
  • Upstream siphon filter screen helps minimize the risk of clogging 

Lower Cost of Ownership 

When it comes time to consider adding a new solution to your site, we know that product features aren’t the only things you consider – cost is important too. Adding The Red Jacket 4 HP STP to your site brings with it multiple cost savings opportunities: 

  • Site uptime will be maximized with best-in-class reliability 
  • Power consumption will be minimized with efficient fixed-speed operation 
  • Quick and safe servicing will be ensured by the advanced Red Jacket packer manifold design 



The Red Jacket 4 HP STP went into production at the end of 2023 and is available now.

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