Yelvington Jet Aviation, a fixed base operator (FBO) at Daytona Beach International Airport, had been processing fuel transactions manually. A line service technician would fuel an aircraft, read the meter register, write down the total gallon amount dispensed and the register totalizer, and walk the ticket over to the CSR inside of the FBO. From there, the CSR would read the numbers from the hand-written ticket and manually key the numbers into the accounting system, taking payment for the fuel and any other applicable fees before closing out the transaction.
The Veeder-Root mechanical team visited Yelvington Jet Aviation in early January to upgrade five of Yelvington's trucks from Veeder-Root mechanical registration and a manual ticketing process to EMR3 electronic meter registers and EssintaWINGS, an aviation POS solution, to fully automate the fueling transaction process.
The photos below highlight the installation process.
(Above) An avgas truck with a Veeder-Root mechanical meter register ready to be replaced with the EMR3
(Above) The mechanical meter register has been removed, ready for the installation of the EMR3 display head, as well as the Interconnect Box and Datalink radio to be installed in the cab of the truck.
(Above) The EMR3 is in place and ready for calibration.
(Above) A dual-meter EMR3 system is installed into a jet fuel truck.
(Above) Meter calibration is underway for the new EMR3s. One of the key benefits of the EMR3 is its ability to auto-calibrate, saving a calibration service company upwards of 20-30 minutes of calibration time per register compared to manual calibration with a mechanical calibrator.
(Above) The first fueling completed with the new Veeder-Root and EssintaWINGS system was a success! Yelvington has eliminated handwritten, paper tickets and is set up for fully automated fueling transactions.
Yelvington Today
Paper ticketing is a thing of the past at Yelvington Jet Aviation today. With EMR3 and Datalink in place, when a line service technician fuels an aircraft, they push the finish button on the EMR3 and the transaction is automatically and wirelessly sent from the register into the EssintaWINGS POS system, where discounts, fees, or any other accounting can be added. From there the CSR takes payment and closes the transaction. This has completely eliminated the manual ticketing process that frequently generates lost, missing, or miswritten tickets that are common to all FBOs' ticketing processes. EssintaWINGS also significantly reduced an FBO's monthly software fees. While some aviation POS systems charge upwards of $800 per month for service, EssintaWINGS offers aviation solutions starting at just $129 per month.